"this economy" (was Re: [geeks] Ultra 2)

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sat Apr 27 16:48:58 CDT 2002

On Sat, 27 Apr 2002, Kurt Huhn wrote:

> Sure, but with benefits, a stable position, and a set schedule handed to
> me by a clueful manager - this particular contract was of indeterminate
> length (could be 2 days or 2 years), no benefits, and 1099-based.

That's sounding more like a shaft, then.  Although, that's what my
upcoming gig is, at less than half the pay.  At least, I'll (on fucking
paper this time, no more $previousOrkPlace shaft-o-rama[1]) be a
part-owner of the company, so I stand to make more if we do well.

> With a family, $35/hr in this case was nowhere near enough money.  
> Not even close.  Not even for a junior helpdesk admin.  Not in this
> section of the US anyway...

That's one thing I don't yet have to worry about.  At least, not in the
strictest of senses.  I also live in a cheap part of Texas.

[1] I was a "50/50" partner for the longest.  Or, I was until I read the
    charter and found out differently.  Dammit, now I'm pissed-off again, 
    and I'm all out of dead PC parts to shoot.  It's the crap like that
    which makes me hate being young sometimes.  On a lighter note, some of
    my ex-coworkers (who are now recovered from that hellhole) are
    thinking of running a "$Company bitch/support group" ad in the local
    paper, just to see who would show up. 

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