[geeks] Compuholics anonymous

Sridhar the POWERful vance at ikickass.org
Mon Apr 29 00:22:53 CDT 2002

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Brian Hechinger wrote:

> > There are really five reasons to have multiple machines doing the work that
>                    ^^^^
> > 5. Coolness factor
>   ^
> > all four combined, hey you can't beat it. Unless that is you have a nicely
>       ^^^^
> "One, Two, Five."
> "Three sir."
> "Three."
> > loaded mainframe which pretty much hoses any of those four reasons, and is
> > only one (really really big) box to administer.
> or get 4 mainframes. ;)

That's what I did. 8-)

Peace...  Sridhar

"How do you fight such a savage?"

"With heart, faith, and steel.  There can be only one."
	-MacLeod and Ramirez, "Highlander"

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