"this economy" (was Re: [geeks] Ultra 2)

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Mon Apr 29 08:55:30 CDT 2002

I wouldn't recommend it.  When I started 22 years ago, 
the pay for starting was 13,207 and my wife got 24,000 
the following year in the IT industry.   Starting is now 
at least $34,000 and up.....still not good enough.
> On Sunday, April 28, 2002, at 07:11 AM, wa2egp at att.net wrote:
> > Geez, if I take the time I work per year, it works out
> > to $54/hr without taking work home.  IF I include 3
> > hours a weekday night, $37/hr.  If I get to
> > work "overtime" they pay me at $28/hr.  And they wonder
> > why there is a teacher shortage in New Jersey.....
> Hmm.
> I recently recovered from a sysadmin gig, and became a full time teacher 
> at Mid Sweden University again.
> I have seven years experience in education, and I get $12.50/hr with 35% 
> income tax. My 2-room apartment cost $400/month, and gasoline is at 
> $3.42/gallon.
> Do you happen to know if they need someone who can teach the students 
> swedish media law, typography or basic journalism in NJ?  :-)
> /Sven-Olof
> --
>      How was I supposed to know he was an unarmed man?
>      His back was to me.
>                     -- Axly
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