[geeks] Stupid Voxel Engines (was Stupid mouse tricks)

Gary Nichols gary at linuxforce.org
Mon Apr 29 13:06:19 CDT 2002

Yeah, I never understood why the hell they insisted on keeping that damn 
voxel engine around for so long.  They were years behind the hardware 
acceleration game.  Remember the Comanche helicopter games? I always laugh 
when I think of the 'pixel horizon' on those games.  Sometimes you 
wouldn't see a damn tree till you were right on top of it then BAM!  
You're dead!  Hope you quick-saved!

 On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Kurt Huhn wrote:

> Bwaahaahaahaa!
> I love that little dog puppet :)
> That may be then, I only know it didn't use HW on my current Intel box,
> or the one before it.

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