[geeks] G1's and other mainframey goodness Was Compuholicsanonymous

sambo s at avoidant.org
Tue Apr 30 08:05:42 CDT 2002

Chris Byrne wrote:

>You're Israeli Sam? Oh wait a sec was it your wife who...

Yeah, by choice. I went there for seminary after high school, but wasn't
ready to sit and study fulltime. Dropped out of seminary but didn't want to
leave Israel. What's a guy to do? The army'll feed, clothe and house you,

After a standard 3-yr stint I came back to the States for college (my
technical hebrew wasn't good enough to sit through classes at Technion,
which was my first choice). After grad school (and a layoff from JPL) I went
back to Israel and seminary, where I stayed for another three years. Came
back to the States again to visit, met my wife, and here I am, 8 yrs later.

I still own property in Israel and am in the IDF reserves, and would be on a
plane tomorrow if my wife were ready to go back. But her parents are of
"advanced years" and she wants to be here for them for a while (she's
American also, and has a similar history; yes that's her photo on the tank).
That's cool, and I can wait, but she knows I want to be back there and will
go at the earliest opportunity.

I've told her that if we go for a visit she's going to have to drug me and
have me put on the return flight, 'cuz I won't go willingly. I'm not sure if
she thinks I'm joking or not.


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