[geeks] G1's and other mainframey goodness Was Compuholicsanonymous

Andrew Sydelko andrew at sydelko.org
Tue Apr 30 14:12:54 CDT 2002

On Tuesday 30 April 2002 14:04, you wrote:
> Andrew,
> Are you a fellow propellerhead (aviation enthusiast)?
> Actually very good question. How many of us are aviation enthusiasts or
> pilots?

I am. One of my coworkers owns a Piper Aztec and we've been to
Long Beach California and back (Indiana) in it. What a blast!

I've also helped him pull the fuel lines out of the cabin, replace
ancient radios and other general work.

We generally fly to nearby computer and ham shows.


California/Colorado Trip:

Out flying on Sept. 10, 2001:


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