[geeks] quite

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Tue Aug 6 17:05:58 CDT 2002

On Mon, Aug 05, 2002 at 04:42:56PM -0400, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> I've found even the most recent Mutt still sucks in the MIME department
> despite that apparently being the primary focus for its update.

Well, I'd be happy to switch to an all emacs solution, but the last
time I tried, the five tutorials I picked to try (picked because they
looked like the ones most likely to work with the base distribution,
which is, I hope, what debian has since I can't install much on the
machine that holds my mail) just didn't work.  Until I find something
that works, I'm sticking with mutt, which doesn't strike me as bad,
but then I don't think I've ever done anything with mime in it.

> > I am using emacs for editing.  I don't know how to make it invoke
> > ispell-message on exit when editing mail messages.
> assuming you're using emacsserver (as you should be, or at least
> something like it), then you can just write a function which wraps
> server-edit and does the right thing for Mutt buffers when you rebind
> C-x # to it instead of to server-edit....

Hmm, is there someway to do this without keeping a window open?  I
mean, I have one SSH window open, and so don't want to keep another
open on this overloaded toy of a machine just to keep the emacs server
running, which so far acts like it won't run in the background.
> If you're not already using mail-mode to edit your messages in then you
> should find a way to make that happen first, then you can just do:
> 	(if (elisp-file-in-loadpath-p "ispell")
> 	    (add-hook mail-mode-hook
> 	              (function (lambda ()
> 			 (local-set-key "\C-ci" 'ispell-message))))
> or maybe this:
> 	(if (elisp-file-in-loadpath-p "ispell")
> 	    (progn
> 	      (define-key mail-mode-map "\C-ci" 'ispell-message)
> 	      (define-key mail-mode-map "\M-S" 'ispell-message)))
> (I actually use the first form for vm-mail-mode-hook, and the latter for
> mail-mode, which seems to work for GNUS.)

Well, neither of these work.  The first problem is that I don't seem
to have the symbol elisp-file-in-loadpath-p defined anywhere.  So, I
searched for it in google, and found that oddly enough where it popped
up was in an archived message from you to me.  I think when I got that
message I only put that piece of code in my home install.

Of course, after all that, I realized you included it further down.

But then they still didn't work because I'm not in mail-mode, since I
can't use that hook above.  I was hoping that I was in mail mode
because the emacs status bar says mail on it, but then I realized it
is saying that because I have mail (which is pretty useless since at
no time in the past 4 years have I completely emptied my mail folder).

I guess I need to find the time to really figure out why I can't make
vm work on this stupid account. 

I'm still working at processing through the rest of the code included
in the message, then will be launching in on that link you provided.
Personally, I really love emacs.  But it is such a complex system, and
I've never discovered the tools for being able to explore what is
available (like, in Squeak it is easy to browse the system class
heirachy as a whole, or also to click on something interesting, and
look at it's code, then explore outwards from there).  Someday I will
really master it though.
> As for other text modes, well you don't want to use ispell-message, but
> rather just ispell-buffer.  Do this instead:

> Lots more emacs goodies in the .emacs.el contained in this archive:
> 	ftp://ftp.weird.com/pub/local/dotfiles.tar.gz

Joshua D. Boyd

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