[geeks] How do I play a VCD?

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Mon Aug 12 14:59:21 CDT 2002

On Monday, August 12, 2002, at 02:49 PM, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> Maybe.  But it is getting mighty hard to find new material for it from
> what I've seen.  I would imagine that there must be some other reason.
> --
> Joshua D. Boyd
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And for the budget concious, you can get an excellent hackable DVD 
player from Sam's Club.  It's called the Daewoo 5800.  It's multi-region 
out of the box (just hit a key combo on the remote), but also I flashed 
the firmware to turn off Macrovision.  It's really nice for $86.

"Pie tastes of donkey poop!... Must be bad end." -- Weebl and Bob
"I thwart your plan....with handy cannon!...how handy!" -- Weebl and Bob

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