[geeks] Introducing the New and Improved AMY FILTER

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Mon Aug 12 18:35:15 CDT 2002

On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Kevin Lee wrote:
> The power of procmail and spamassassin , voila instant AMY FILTER.
> 1) Install procmail
> 2) create a file called .procmailrc in your home dir
> 3) Insert the following:
> * ^From: scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
> /dev/null
> Voila Instant AMY_AWAY.....
> K.
> ps: spamassassin is there just incase of ..............

Someone might want to forward this to Kevin, as he apparently has finally
read Procmail for Dummies and figured out how to filter someone:

You have been unsubscribed due to extreme idiocy. If you have a problem
with this, I suggest you take it up with God, 'cause neither myself nor
my husband is listening (now and never).


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