[geeks] Serial ATA

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Fri Aug 16 15:24:47 CDT 2002

On Fri, Aug 16, 2002 at 03:08:37PM -0500, Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 16, 2002 at 03:07:58PM -0400, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> > I have a bunch of ST15150Ns.  I also have other baracudas, the model
> > number for which I no longer remeber, but they look somewhat similar to
> > the ST15150Ns, except for the SCA connectors, and the labels.
> ST15150WC. 8-)

Nope.  If your going to make try to figure out exactly what it is when
I'm no were near the disks, I guess I'll have to start googling.

OK, some of the disks are ST19171WC.  Others are ST-15230WC, which are
Hawks rather than Barracudas.  These 8 drives are in addition to
numerous 15150Ns, and miscellaneous other types, makes, and models of
SCSI hard drive.  I believe I have a cheetah somewhere also.

Joshua D. Boyd

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