[geeks] Mail Call

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Tue Aug 20 13:17:37 CDT 2002

On Tue, Aug 20, 2002 at 12:53:16PM -0500, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> Well, I have cable, but I thought I'd look, anyway, to see what the
> schedule is like.  I think you've stumbled across one of the most
> inaccessible pages on the Internet.  Not only does it use a frameset
> without any auxilliary navigation, but the "index" frame contains nothing
> resembling HTML--just VBScript and Flash.

Doesent work on either Mozilla, Chimera, or IE 5.2 for OS X.  I get the
History Channel header, but no page content.


bill bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
austin, texas

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