[geeks] RE: [rescue] miss me?

Leo Green leo at nurgle.net
Mon Aug 26 00:21:15 CDT 2002

On Mon, 26 Aug 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

%>I know the General Lee was a charger.  I haven't put a lot of effort
%>into examining the different models, but I think I prefer the charger
%>still.  If I actually got one, I might paint it blue to get rid of the
%>dukes image.  But wasn't theirs orange?  If so, maybe even the right
%>shade of red might work.

You could always do what i've always wanted to do:
Get a charger.
paint it dark blue.
Call it "The Ulysses S. Grant".

leo at nurgle.net |   I open sourced my combination lock, and put a transparent
   plastic case on it, so that i can apply the many eyes, shallow bugs
   concept to bicycle security. If its a success, i'll use it on my car.
		-- Dan Chin

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