[geeks] Carley Fiorina

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Mon Dec 2 12:26:14 CST 2002

On Monday, December 2, 2002, at 04:51 AM, Bjorn Ramqvist wrote:
>>    SGI hasn't failed.  They were smart enough to dump their PC toys, 
>> and
>> still make good machines.
> Yes, but there's EVIL on the horizon for that company.
> Just take a look at this...
> http://www.sgi.com/newsroom/press_releases/2002/september/stream.html
> http://www.sgi.com/newsroom/press_releases/2002/july/itanium2.html
> This is horrific.

   Yes I agree...but Itanium and Itanium2 are nowhere near as nasty as 
the long-obsolete x86 architecture.  Not that I like what they're 
doing, mind you..

   Besides...I think it's likely (or at least a good possibility) that 
the Itanium2 will fail in the market just like the Itanium did.


Dave McGuire                 "You don't have Vaseline in Canada?"
St. Petersburg, FL                     -Bill Bradford

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