[geeks] bizarre stuff available

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Dec 10 17:13:22 CST 2002

On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, at 05:38 PM, Anthony Guarnieri wrote:
>>    That said, my mom will take about anything she can get for them, 
>> and
>> will deliver them pretty much anywhere if someone pays the delivery
>> expenses.  They'll fit in the bed of a standard F-150 pickup.
> You'd probably do well to look at Ebay to see if you're sitting on a
> goldmine first, as lots of crazy people like collecting things like 
> first
> pressings of albums, and will pay good money for them. You might even 
> get
> your storage money back, and more.

   I had thought about that (been selling a lot of stuff on eBay lately) 
but I think this might be far too much trouble to go through...I don't 
have a lot of free time these days.


Dave McGuire                "Why would a brothel need
St. Petersburg, FL            a streaming media server?"        -Kevin

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