[geeks] You Are in a Maze of Twisty Tunnels...

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Mon Dec 16 11:14:01 CST 2002

On Monday, December 16, 2002, at 10:59 AM, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
>> But the alphabet soup of J2EE is making my head hurt.  Do I want
>> servlets or Java Server Pages?  Session beans or Enterprise Java 
>> Beans?
> Figuring out the whole J2EE thing is on my list of things to do.  But 
> in
> the mean time, JSP sounds really bad to me.  Take something similar to
> ASP (but with Java instead of javascript), and have the web server
> compile the JSP file to a .class file on the fly?  Sure, a server 
> should
> be able to cache the files once compiled, but still.

   I think someone said this earlier but I'm mentioning it again just in 
case I was hallucinating.  I just woke up. ;)

   JSP files are compiled on the first hit, and stored/executed as 
.class files for all subsequent hits.  I just read about this a couple 
of days ago, coincidentally.


Dave McGuire           "I'll send you adapters to go both ways."
St. Petersburg, FL                          -Bill Bradford

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