[geeks] VPN stuff..

Kurt Huhn kurt at k-huhn.com
Fri Dec 27 14:25:26 CST 2002

"Andrew Weiss" <ajwdsp at cloud9.net> wrote:

> A. Use the Windows Box as a router (but this means I have to:
>     1. Upgrade to 2000 Server to use NAT or work with that ugly hack
>     ICS 2. Buy a second network card (the reason I went with hardware
>     I already
> had is that I'm poor right now)
>     3. Come on... get real... Windows router... blech I did this for
>     months
> with dialup access... I'm glad it's finally been relegated to games
> only:-).
> B. Buy a Linksys Cable router to do routing
>     1. This assumes they have a Contivity aware product
>     2. More cash outlay see A part 2
>     3. It still cuts off local internet access during VPN access time
> (corporate VPN doesn't allow internet access AFAIK in order to keep
> people from sitting on them all day I suppose + security reasons)

Let me just expound on the relative virtues of the Linksys VPN boc.  It
works, it doesn't break as often as Windows, it won't kill internet
connectivity for the other clients.  I'm sitting here now in front of my
Octane typing this message, while an IBM craptop next to it is ssh'd
into a couple internal boxen across the VPN as well as checking mail on
the internal mail server.  NOw, we have a pile of these Linksys boxen at
all remote locales, as well as at the two main offices - they handle
multiple pipes, and do it intelligently (as long as they're setup
intelligently to begin with).

Now, that said, I see no reason why internet access for the rest of your
systems would die when the VPN is initiated.  It's all about subnetting
and routing.  I can expound more if you have questions, but I hesitate
to say anything uninformed...
Kurt                "I remember that I've got a solid base of worms and
kurt at k-huhn.com      ant eggs.  I puke like a hero all night long."
                                                      -- Tony Bourdain

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