[geeks] cheap 802.11b cards?

Ron Rosson insane at oneinsane.net
Fri Feb 1 16:03:27 CST 2002

Bill Bradford writes:
 > Anybody know of a cheaper source for 802.11b cards than
 > justdeals.com?  I'd prefer lucent/wavelan/orinoco, but will
 > take anything with a decent chipset that works...
Bill,  Why lucent chips. If you want to stumble all you need is an SMC
Card with a laptop running OpenBSD/FreeeBSD/NetBSD and load Dstumbler

It is better than its windows counterpart netstumbler.  


Ron Rosson                                    ... and a UNIX user said ...
The InSaNe One                                        rm -rf *
insane at oneinsane.net                        and all was /dev/null and *void()

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