[geeks] Re: SunPCi Drivers

s at avoidant.org s at avoidant.org
Thu Feb 7 10:52:14 CST 2002

Bill Bradford wrote:

> Uhm, format the drive natively under Sol8, then tell it to make the
> "virtual" drive (fat32 filesystem in a "container" file on top of the
> Solaris filesystem) on top of that.  

Not sure I get this. The virtual drive is in a subdir of my ~/ Inside
there is the "container" file which is 3.6G. Win2K only sees a 2G drive.

> I think you are limited to 2G
> regardless, however, with the 1.3 software.

This, then, would be the answer. So back to my second question; Is that
1.6G recoverable without reinstalling the whole SunPCi software?


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