[geeks] Daily sites

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Sat Feb 9 21:53:41 CST 2002

matty91 at bellsouth.net writes:

>Which sites do folks visit on a daily basis? We can ignore freshmeat and
>slashdot as that should be on
>every geeks surf list :)

metafilter.com first and foremost.

fark.com and memepool.com second. fark.com's discussions are *idiotic*,
	but the links are good. memepool linked to me two weeks ago, so I
	really like them. :-)

techdirt right after slashdot.

somethingawful is killer about 25% of the time, and worthless the
	rest of the time.

USS Clueless (don't have the URL handy) is one of the very few webloggers
whose extended commentary is actually worth reading. He *rarely* loses
touch with logic. Oh - all of his comments on unix and friends are
horrificly miss-informed, but thankfully he doesn't stray into that
subject very often. Mostly it's just political issues.

cnn.com for general news
drudge for bleeding-edge 50%-chance-it's-true headlines
tehrantimes.com and hindustantimes.com for regional news & perspective

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
----------------- Live each day like the Triffids are coming. -------------

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