[geeks] what I need...

David Cantrell david at cantrell.org.uk
Mon Feb 11 10:56:42 CST 2002

On Mon, Feb 11, 2002 at 03:16:28AM -0500, Mike Nicewonger wrote:
> on 2/11/02 1:51 AM, Bill Bradford at mrbill at mrbill.net wrote:
> > I could use about 10-15 six-inch extension cords.
> www.cyberguys.com

Or just make the damned things yourself.  all the parts are readily
available, and even someone with my lack of mechanical aptitude can
put them together.

David Cantrell | david at cantrell.org.uk | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed
 (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless
 series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary"  -- H. L. Mencken

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