[geeks] PowerBook

Jeff Borisch jborisch at columbus.rr.com
Tue Feb 12 21:03:02 CST 2002

s at avoidant.org wrote:

> Ethernet directly into my switch. No link. I configured TCP/IP, and
> still no joy. But then I configured it again (all I chjanged was the
> nameserver address, I swear) and it asked if I wanted to save changes.
> Of course, I said. And lo and behold! I've got 'net!

By 'no link' do you mean no link light on the switch, or it just no worky.

> Then I put it to sleep, unplugged the ethernet cable, and left it for an
> hour or so. Came back, plugged in the cable, and no link again. What do
> I need to do to get it to come up?

I ran into a problem I was trying to troubleshoot where I could not get a
connection.  I found TCP/IP could not report any hardware address, I thought
the ethernet chip was toast. I know I should have checked that the cable was
OK,  but it had just worked the day before and it had not been moved or

Oddly the MacOS software will not report a MAC address if the link is bad or
simply no cable. I remember reading a technote which stated this. This seems
like a stupid behavior.

I know this is not really a solution but maybe some bit of it will be a

Sounds like it could be a switch issue. Is it a fancy programmable one?


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