[geeks] Laptop Oops

Eric Dittman dittman at dittman.net
Wed Feb 13 17:41:45 CST 2002

I accidentally dropped my iPAQ on my Dell Inspiron.  It hit
the LCD with a glancing blow and put a very small nick on
the plastic coating.  It's one of those things that really
isn't bad but annoying none the less.

Now I'm glad I spent the $169 extra for CompleteCare.  I can
call them up and have the LCD swapped out without question.

I really feel stupid for doing this, though.  I wasn't looking
at where I was setting the iPAQ and it slid off the stack of
books beside the notebook.  I'm just glad the iPAQ wasn't
damaged, as I don't have coverage on that.
Eric Dittman
dittman at dittman.net
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