[geeks] What would cause this

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Thu Feb 14 13:45:06 CST 2002

On Thu, 14 Feb 2002, Big Endian wrote:

> I know the feeling.  Do you have any other boxen that could do it?
> daniel

I have my PPro I just brought home from work, however... the NIC in that
machine is one of those weird Linksys NIC's that I could only get support
under Linux going with a certain driver revision from Linksys.  I wonder
if it will work just fine under FreeBSD.  I also have to back this machine
up too... it has two years of work and other things I have to back up...
of course maybe I'll just take the drive out and put in another.  Right
now it is a dual boot Debian/2K machine, but if I'm going Firewall, I'm
gonna go minimalist... FreeBSD all the way.

 Andrew J. Weiss
"Hey Marge they have the Internet on computers now!" -- Homer Simpson

UNIX and cigarettes, both addictive and both contain tar.

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