[geeks] Re: Geeky Valentine's day card

wlewis at mailbag.com wlewis at mailbag.com
Fri Feb 15 11:49:05 CST 2002

 On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 01:01:30AM -0600, Bill Bradford wrote:
 > ANy suggestions for someone who is mainly a systems person, does some
 > programming, but wants to really learn computers at the chip architecture/
 > assembly-language level?

"Computer Architecture and Vax Assembly Language Programming"  
James Brink and Richard Spillman
Benjamin Cummings, 1987
ISBN 0-8053-8920-2

Is what I'm reading right now for essentially the same reason. I have a need to 
pick up specifically Vax assembler, but the basic concepts apply to all 
machines and the architecture sections of the book are quite good - as in, I 
can follow them without a professor walking me through it. I found it in 
Amazon's used books for $12.00, so it's very reasonable as well. 


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