[geeks] When you care...

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Tue Feb 19 14:54:13 CST 2002

	Here is a funny one. from "Openvms at 20" which can be found at
http://www.openvms.compaq.com/openvms/20th/vmsbook.pdf Page 15 is where it
occurs at. They actually have a picture of the inscription in russian on
that page

VAX...when you care enough to
steal the very best
During the cold war, VAX systems
could not be sold behind
the Iron Curtain. Recognizing
superior technology, technical
people cloned VAX systems in
Russia, Hungary, and China. After
learning that VAX systems were being
cloned, DIGITAL had the following
words etched on the CVAX chip,
"VAX...when you care enough
to steal the very best."

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer
michael.turner at whro.org

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