[geeks] Hmmm.. food for thought...

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Tue Feb 19 15:18:59 CST 2002

On Tue, 19 Feb 2002, Fogg, James wrote:

> On a related note, I found the MS support for office-X surprising. Doesn't
> this mean that they are dangerously close to having an Office-for-Linux?
> That would have the potential to screw the MS Windows O/S platform nearly
> out of existance. Would it be possible to get Office-X running under Linux
> without the source code? How similar to X-windows is O/S-X's GUI?

A follow up to this logic process.  This assumes that MS wishes to sell
Office on Linux (which looks like they only wish to do that if the
government breaks them up... i.e. the Corel/MS deal), they are vehemently
opposed to this.  Then of course you have to have OS X for Intel since I'd
hardly believe a product that had to emulate the Linux API and also x86
instructions would take the market by storm... then of course do you
honestly think that MS would design a product to cut into their own market
somewhere else?  The only reason Office exists for the Mac is that it was
kind of there and graphical-there first (they have a huge customer-base;
started with MS Works for MacOS), and it doesn't hurt their OS business.
MS doesn't consider Apple a threat in the slightest.

Andrew J. Weiss
"Hey Marge they have the Internet on computers now!" -- Homer Simpson

UNIX and cigarettes, both addictive and both contain tar.

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