[geeks] employment(and the rehash there of)

dave at cca.org dave at cca.org
Fri Feb 22 16:39:39 CST 2002

kris at catonic.net writes:

>On Thu, 21 Feb 2002, Big Endian wrote:
>> I agree that Job > !Job but Job !> Nervous breakdown.  I *NEED*
>> something else or I will end up either in prison or a mental ward.  I
>> nearly came to blows w/ my stupid manager at work today.

>I work with professional idiots at $FACTORY. I put boards together that go
>in the weapons systems of the Apache. FEAR!

>And yet I know exactly how he feels. I'd love to cut down my co-workers in
>a hail of gunfire.

Maybe they'll ban discussion of weapons. Maybe you should suggest it
at the next big meeting. :-)

------ David Fischer ------- dave at cca.org ------- http://www.cca.org ------
----------------- Live each day like the Triffids are coming. -------------

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