[geeks] comments welcome

Ron 'The InSaNe OnE' Rosson insane at oneinsane.net
Mon Feb 25 14:17:43 CST 2002

>>>>> "Amy" == Amy  <scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net> writes:

    Amy> so i've been ordered to cut out caffein, nicotine, and
    Amy> alcohol from my daily routine. gotta go on a no-sugar diet
    Amy> immediately too.

    Amy> any hints? tips? suggestions for how to let off excessive
    Amy> amounts of frustration and anger without it all heading to
    Amy> divorce court?

    Amy> *attempts to remain calm*


-Nicotine should be the easiest (and you save money)   ;-) (Been a
 non-smoker for over 5 years now
-Caffeine is easy, drink no caffeine beverages, 
-Sugar is not so easy
-Alcohol, Lack of could be stressful in itself when not having the
 three above.

What kinda doctor takes all your vices away and expects you to lead a
normal happy married life.


Please take the above with humor..

Ron Rosson                                    ... and a UNIX user said ...
The InSaNe One                                        rm -rf *
insane at oneinsane.net                        and all was /dev/null and *void()

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