[geeks] bumper sticker

nick at snowman.net nick at snowman.net
Tue Feb 26 01:35:40 CST 2002

Good stuff.  There's alot of good classical music out there.

On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Don McClure wrote:

> > I always used to wear a "HELTER SKELTER" t-shirt when I was
> > taking long bus rides. Meant I'd never be crowded while waiting
> > in the station, or have someone sit right next to me on the bus.
> > 
> > Very effective.
> In college I used to run off undesirable room-mates with opera. Wagner
> preferably. LOUD. Five hours of Gotterdammerung will do, especially if you
> conduct along (I was a music major.)
> Maybe it was just the fact that I was a music major that ran them off...
> Don McClure
> Bel Air, MD
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