[geeks] OSX is going to ruin my life

Peter Street peter.street at lazerfx.co.uk
Thu Feb 28 09:06:39 CST 2002

From: Johan Sjvholm on the 28th February 2002 14:57
> > MMMmmmMMMmmmMMM.  800MHz G4 iMac.
> *must not* *must resist* .. darnit.. i cant
> Dual 800mhz G4, 1,5G ram, 40G hdd, Superdrive with additional DVD
> and a Cinema Display 22" TFT from Apple..
> I'm pleased.
> J

 Gods, I wish I had about #1,200 - I'd *love* to buy a G4 or similar.
Instead, I'm stuck with this 1.4Ghz Athlon, 512MB DDR memory, 2 monitors
and 2 kick-ass 3D (OK, I'm a gamer, right?) graphics cards :P

Oh, and 75GB of hard disk ;)

Peter Street
Web Developer / Manager
LazerFX Productions
www.lazerfx.co.uk (Under Construction)

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