[geeks] what to do, what to do....

Kurt Huhn geeks at sunhelp.org
Sat Jan 5 21:51:46 CST 2002

> Install Linux <ducks flying bricks>
> Install Solaris x86 <Waves to the adoring masses>
> Trade it for something cool ;^)
> www.ebay.com - raise cash for a nice U30 - you know you need one...

Well, I run SuSE linux on my work laptop - so I don't need another mobile
Linux workstation.

Solaris x86 crossed my mind - but I don't need a mobile Solaris
workstation - I have a SparkBook 3GS after all...

Trade - now that's what I was thinking of doing.  But for what?  Dunno.  Now
that I have a U-1, do I need something else?  Wazzat?  U-30, Ken?  I'm

My wife is gonna kill me.

> What is the condition of the laptop? Decent battery? Screen resolution
> 800x600 or 1024x768?

It's pretty close to maxed out, as far they cam from IBM.  1.4GB HD, 40MB
RAM, P-120Mhz, Floppy, CD-ROM, 800x600 TFT (64k colors).  Physically, it's
in good condition - minor scratches, missing PCMCIA cover, but no major
defects.  Unfortunately, the battery is missing.  I think I lost that some
long time ago.  Maybe I never had it.  Can't remember.  I'm looking for one
though - perhaps I'll get lucky and find one in my Pile Of Schtuff....

> Oh, do you have use for a laptop? If not, I'd suggest putting it up for
> trade... these things lose value *quickly*! (Even quicker than old Sun
> equipment!)

I have absolutely no use for another laptop.  None.  Zero.   The only other
laptop I keep around is a Compaq Contura Aero 4/33 - because it's just soooo
damn cute!


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