[geeks] Macs

Peter L. Wargo geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Jan 7 00:38:32 CST 2002

On Sunday, January 6, 2002, at 03:07 PM, Gregory Leblanc wrote

> On Authentic Apple Computers (as you should know, Pete), there are -two-
> Apple keys, and they're called "Apple Keys" (actually, Open Apple, and
> Closed Apple).  When was the last time you used one of those IIcs?
> 	Greg

<Walks ...er.. limps to closet>

"Yes, as I remember, the //e on the shelf has the original open-apple 
and closed -apple keys."

<Reaches for Mac Plus keyboard, gets bonked on head by mouse stacked 
there as well.>

"Ow!  Dammit!  That hurt!"

<Rubs head, curses some more>

"O.K., and on the Mac Plus, there is just a command (cloverleaf) key."

<Muses for a second while rubbing his noggin'>

"Well, I can concede that Greg is correct, as the Apple keys came 
first.  Then they disappeared from both the Mac, and if I recall, the 
Lisa.  However, they are both on the newer Apple keyboards.  Conclusion: 
Apple lives to confuse people."


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