[geeks] Google catalog(ue)'s...

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Mon Jan 14 18:12:53 CST 2002

On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, Rob wrote:

> I'm a pretty big Simpsons nut. Every Thursday I hang out with a bunch of
> other Simpsons nuts. It's great fun to see how many times Simpsons get
> mentioned over dinner.

I can do 85% of the entire town's voices perfectly.


I lived with a former chemistry major turned business major/opera singer,
and he made me watch it constantly for a whole semester in college.  Great
catchup.  I have now seen most episodes... LOVE IT.


There are, of course, thousands of people who claim to be sys admins who
have the single "skill" of working it out from a gui tool. Ask these people
to move 500 users accounts or 300 virtual hosts from one machine to another
and they are as useful as chocolate firemen. -- Anonymous Coward on Slashdot

UNIX and cigarettes, both addictive and both contain tar.

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