[geeks] IP telephony

nick at snowman.net nick at snowman.net
Fri Jan 18 14:59:11 CST 2002

It does come up with a rational reason that all the IP connectivity
vendors have started disallowing VPNs from home though.

On Fri, 18 Jan 2002, Al Potter wrote:

> Cisco has some really neat stuff in this area, though it is probably NOT 
> suitable for consumer use.
> They have several models of IP phones and a call manager, which is the 
> equivalent of a PBX.  If your company invested in the infrastructure (ie 
> drank the koolaide, bought phones and the CM), it is completely feasible to 
> take your phone home at the end of the day connect over a broadband link 
> back into the call manager, and send and receive calls as if your were at 
> your desk.
> The preferable way to do this (IMHO) is through a VPN link (preferable 
> IPSec) between the remote location and the CM.  You can even do it via 
> 802.11b wireless, or purely in software (their product is called SoftPhone).
> Yes, I think they (all the IP phone vendors) aim to put the phone company 
> out of the phone business.  I don't see how the phone company will be able 
> to detect it is going on, or do anything about it if all of the voice 
> packets are tunneled through a VPN.
> AL
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