[geeks] Re: [rescue] SLACKERS

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Tue Jan 22 22:14:02 CST 2002

On Tuesday, January 22, 2002, at 06:37 , Gregory Leblanc wrote:

> INSTALL the games, for crying out loud.  It's not a game console at all,
> just a crippled PC, as far as I can tell.  Total crap, as far as I'm
> concerned.

Agreed.  Xbox is a total piece of crapware, and a very thinly disguised 
effort by mickeysoft to gobble up yet another market that they don't 
belong in.

I like a recent statement by Scott McNealy - He doesn't need to work, 
but he does, not only because he enjoys Sun and it's employees, but he 
does not want to leave to world to Microsoft.  I agree.


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