[geeks] ft: 15-20 shrinkwrapped DLT-III tapes

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Wed Jan 23 15:15:45 CST 2002

I've got 15 brand new shrinkwrapped DLT-III tapes (FujiFilm
brand) that I'd like to trade for something usable....

These will do 10/20gig in a DLT2000 or DLT4000 drive.

(for those of you who I promised free tapes to, they're coming -
 you'll just get used tapes...)


Bill Bradford * mrbill at mrbill.net * Austin, TX
>From a Sun Microsystems bug report (#4102680):
"Workaround: don't pound on the mouse like a wild monkey."

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