[geeks] Sweet! Palm Vx

Kurt Mosiejczuk kurt at csh.rit.edu
Thu Jan 24 09:46:42 CST 2002

Got the daily email from hitechcafe.com.  They have retail boxed Palm Vx
units for $149.95.  The website lists them as out of stock but notes that
they may not be and to call to be sure.  They didn't open until 7am PST
(10AM where I am).  Got through and they had 9.  I ordered one for myself
and one for my co-worker.  That leaves 7 =)

I'm so psyched... my Palm IIIx died a month or two ago, and I finally
wanted to replace it, and along comes this deal! =)


P.S.  Did I mention I was a little psyched about this =)

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