[geeks] Yumm.

Michael S Schiller schiller at zaphod.agrijag.com
Fri Jan 25 01:23:45 CST 2002

Dave McGuire wrote:
> On January 24, Eric Dittman wrote:
> > When ramps were in season some people would eat a lot of them,
> > causing them to have breath so bad you couldn't be in the same
> > room.  When I was growing up (in WV) I remember several instances
> > when students would be sent home due to eating ramps.
>   What's a ramp?
>    -Dave
> --
> Dave McGuire
> St. Petersburg, FL         "Less talk.  More synthohol." --Lt. Worf
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I've been told that they're sort of a cross between an onion and a
garlic. Here in Cosby TN they have an annual ramp festival!
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