[geeks] Yumm.

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Fri Jan 25 11:19:23 CST 2002

On Thu, 24 Jan 2002, Dave McGuire wrote:

> plain tomatoes are just NASTY.
>   My mom used to really squick me when she'd pick up a tomato and start
> eating it like an apple.  Disgusting.  Then I met my (now deceased)
> uncle Bert.  He did that with...you guessed it, ONIONS.  His breath
> would knock you flat.

Funny, tomatos are the first "healthy" thing I liked as a kid... that and
canned spinach.  (age 3).  Yes I do like them raw with lots of black
pepper or Italian dressing.  If you get bad tomatos (greenish bits, or
cardboard tasting... forget it.)

My favorite vegetable is still okra, however... oh and nopales (cactus
sections) and ancho chilis


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