[geeks] Remote Admin Work (fwd)

Kris Kirby kris at catonic.net
Sun Jan 27 19:57:13 CST 2002

Somebody please make NANAE aware of this critter. I haven't been on USENET
in too long. I'm going to blackhole him shortly.

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR          | TGIFreeBSD... 'Nuff said.
<kris at nospam.catonic.net>   | IM: KrisBSD | HSV, AL.
"Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony."

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From: "David B. Hughes" <dave at cyac.net>
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Subject: Remote Admin Work
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Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2002 19:11:38 -0500

David B. Hughes
(757) 599-5502 or (757) 246-6122
dave at cyac.net

If you don't wish to make the long distance call please email
me back with your contact phone plus a convenient time. I'm in
the process of getting new TOLL FREE number for all long
distance calls.



" I'm an enthusiastic network and operating systems administrator
with a strong desire for expanding my security skills "

Highly experienced in Internet Technology Services
Vast knowledge of networking tools and applications
Expert people skills
Able to handle multiple task simultaneously
Multitude of customer assisted problem solving
Management of large TCP/IP network
Network security software and hardware
Remote network administration
Bridging the communications gap of customer to new technology

Windows 3.x, 95, 98, ME, NT4.0, 2000 (Pro, and Server), RedHat Linux 4.2 -7.2,
Debian Linux, Mandrake Linux, FreeBSD, and NetBSD

Web Servers: Apache, MS Internet Information Server, and Tux
Mail Servers: Unix Sendmail, MS Exchange (SMTP Servers), IPOP2D, IPOP3D, Eudora Qpopper
(POP3 Servers), Univ. of Wash. IMAP, Cyrus IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol Servers)
Domain Name Servers: Unix BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), and MS Domain Name Service
FTP Servers: Wu-ftpd, Proftpd, Ncftpd, IIS FTP Services, Serv-U
Database: Myself, Postures, MS SQL
Remote Access: Unix Radius, IC Radius (Database driven), Radiant, MS Radius, TACACS
Backup Servers & Clients: Amanda Disk Archive, BRU Pro, and Veritas
Security and Monitoring: Snort (Network Intrusion Detection), Tripwire (File system integrity),
Nessus (systems & network security analyzer), TITAN (Linux OS security hardening), Linux Netfilter/IPTables Firewall, MRTG (Bandwidth monitoring),
VPN and Encryption: SSH (Secure shell access), Mod_SSL for Apache, Apache-SSL, Stronghold,
IIS 5.0 Secure Server, OpenSSL, PGP, Stunnel, SSLeay, Triple DES, IPSec

Cisco 2620, 3640 routers, BayNetworks ARN router, DigitalLink CSU/DSU, Livingston Portmaster, Ascend MaxTNT, SCSI terminal server, 3COM & Allied Telesyn switches, PC Hardware, Sun Sparc, and Macintosh

Planned, designed, and built custom ISP using high quality open source software
Administer remotely both Linux and Windows servers
Installed and configured network health monitoring servers
Building custom firewall and Network Intrusion Detection systems

During the past couple of years my focus has switched to planning, customizing, and building
secure networks.  The invaluable experience gained from running an ISP has given me the tools
required for a high level of security.  I have come to the realization that firewalls and hardened
operating systems are just not enough in the today's current environment.  It takes good planning,
well laid out strategy, knowledgeable staff, and an arsenal of tools to truly achieve a secure network.
Even though my focus has switched to network security this has not diminished my other skills, rather
I believe they have even sharpened.  You must have a greater understanding of what you're trying to protect in the first place

If you wish to be removed from this list please send a new  message to remove at cyac.net with
"remove" (without quotation marks)  in the subject line.

Sincerely, David B. Hughes
dave at cyac.net
(757) 599-5502

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