[geeks] ebay jerk sellers and dealing with nonpaying bidder acusations

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Wed Jul 3 14:55:41 CDT 2002

On Wed, Jul 03, 2002 at 02:28:28PM -0500, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:

> CYA is rarely free or effortless.  Just be glad that you hadn't made
> $largePayment to $largeUtilityCompany and gotten your credit shafted (and
> utilities turned off) on the whole deal because $largeUtilityCompany
> "lost" the payment and $smallTownBank doesn't give you your checks back.

$largePayments to $largeEntities are made in person and reciepts
gathered.  I pay my VISA in person.  I pay mr tuition in person.  I
will admit that I have so far payed my car insurance remotely[1], but by
VISA so that there is a record on my VISA bill.
> This happened with $previousOrk.  When in doubt, or if it absolutely,
> positively Must Not get "lost in the mail", get a return-receipt.  Don't
> think of it as an unnecessary expense; think of it as jerk insurance.

Well, I didn't think a $12 payment would be such a big deal.
Figures.  Now I have to figure out if I mail payment to already a
problem seller on the way home, or do I hold it till friday so I can
get it certified.  He is pissed that it is taking so long to send it,
but I told him last thursday[2] (after requesting payment info more
than once and him not replying at first) that if he didn't give me his
address by noon Friday (and he didn't) I wouldn't be able to mail it
late this week.  I should have paid more to buy Trigun from someone
who would accept ebay payments.

Joshua D. Boyd

[1]  My insurance agent doesn't take visa, so I have to pay the
company directly, but they aren't near by.

[2]  Note to self, figure out why mutt doesn't keep a sent log.

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