[geeks] "daylight" light bulbs

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Mon Jul 8 09:31:43 CDT 2002

On Mon, Jul 08, 2002 at 07:01:12AM -0700, Fogg, James wrote:
> In consumer grade lamps I think you are out of luck. In the older style
> tubes you can get lots of temperatures. Also in the PL-series compact
> flourecents you can find lots of temps.
> The GE Reveal line is a slightly reformulated product from the 1950's known
> as a photoflood. It is a color corrected tungsten-incandecent light source
> for using "daylight" color film indoors with incandecent lights. I used them
> when "tungsten" color film became hard to find.
> You could obtain some gels (filters) for the purpose and build tents to
> cover your existing flourecents. Ask at a good photography center to see the
> Kodak Wrattan color filter charts. You can get unmounted filters (sheets of
> plastic) in sizes up to 8X10. Also stage lighting dealers have gels (plastic
> sheets), but in fewer colors.

Read ahead - they're making high-Kelvin CFLs now; I found some at a local 
lighting specialty store.. Pricey, tho - $17.95 for the first one, $8 for
each additional.. Fortunately, I shouldnt have to replace them but every
few years. 8-)


Bill Bradford     
mrbill at mrbill.net 
Austin, TX        

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