[geeks] 1U project cases

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Tue Jul 16 10:49:02 CDT 2002

Anyone know of a good place to find 1U cases for electronics projects?
I want to build myself a knock off (with modifications) of the Ibanez
UE-300, and one of the modifications is that I want to make it rack
mounted with a remote set of foot pedels.  I'm also considering
placing 2 tube screamers in the unit instead of 1 (so that I can
preset two distortions, one for rhythm, and one for taking the leads).

I'm actually getting fairly serious about this.  I was digging around
last night to pull up what pieces I had, and I've been working on
putting together a parts list and trying to find the best place to
order them, and doodling around at laying out the board design.  I'm
just going to use a set of radio shack project boards, the ones with
lines on them like:


and hope that all the excess lines don't pick up excess noise.  I'll
probably build it as 4 seperate boards so that I can experiment with
rearranging things more easily.  Plus, as four seperate boards, I have
a handy test board that I can just plug components into for testing
the whole design before soldering them into a real board.

Joshua D. Boyd

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