[geeks] Nvidea buys out Exluna

Shawn Wallbridge swallbridge at franticfilms.com
Wed Jul 24 16:23:25 CDT 2002

Joshua D Boyd wrote:

>On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 04:04:44PM -0500, Shawn Wallbridge wrote:
>>Actually, they don't produce anything now. They settled the IP lawsuit 
>>with Pixar a couple weeks ago and they have ceased development on 
>>Extropy completely.
>>BMRT is no longer available for download either.
>>Entropy is being used for this really cool wicked movie called 'The 
>>Core' that is coming out in November ;-)
>Ouch.  Don't you guys you Entropy?
>Sounds like it is time to get cracking on bringing renderbitch up to
Yup. AFAIK, we were largest installation.

$100K <-- flush :-(


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