[geeks] Stupid recording engineers

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Wed Jul 24 16:17:32 CDT 2002

On Wed, Jul 24, 2002 at 05:03:14PM -0400, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> [ On Wednesday, July 24, 2002 at 16:41:09 (-0400), Joshua D Boyd wrote: ]
> > Subject: Re: [geeks] Stupid recording engineers
> >
> > I was shopping at radio shack, and they don't seem to have what I
> > want.  Basically, I want to hook 3 computers and 1 or more accessories
> > to one set of powered speakers.  The stuff at radio shack typically
> > has 2, occasionally 3 stereo chanels, and multiple mono chanels, which
> > means 2 or 3 devices would behave the way I desire, and the rest would
> > act like a normal mixer (meaning 2 chanels used for 1 device).  
> I once found a MIDI-controlled pre-amp made by Mark-of-the-Unicorn, the
> "Mixer 7s".  It's not cheap though -- around $600[usa] -- and I'm not
> sure it's made any more (came out in ~1996, IIRC).

How did that product deal with zippering?
> There's also lots of bigger board mixers with computer (usually MIDI)
> control for automation.  (eg. the Tascam MM1)
> The MOTU Mixer 7s is about the smallest, cheapest, mixer made primarily
> for computer-only control though.
> If you can find one of those on the used market....  I want it!  ;-)

I'll try to remeber that, but it is unlikely I will.
> There are a few high-end multi-channel computer audio cards too with
> which you could build a mixer from a computer.....

Yeah, I could persue that route, but then I'd either need a modern
Mac, a modern Windows machine, or an RME Hammerfall card.  I don't
have the cash for any of those.

And besides, I really want to try my hand at this.  Time to stop
thinking it would be cool to design and make audio systems of my own,
and to start doing it.

Joshua D. Boyd

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