[geeks] The eBay saga goes on...

Kyle Webb kylewebb at beckman.uiuc.edu
Mon Jun 3 10:54:59 CDT 2002

At 01:32 AM 6/2/2002 -0400, you wrote:

>I would love to see his face (Ryan that is):
>Ringing of doorbell, <ding-dong> <creak of opening door>
>Ryan looks into the blazing red eyes of 5 pissed off Narns and prompty poops
>*WHAM!* *WHAM!* *WHAM!* *WHAM!* *WHAM!*
>Sound of Narns departing, tramptramptrampTrampTrampTrampTRAMPTRAMPTRAMP.

And of course, this is done to the stirring background music of "And the 
rock cried out "No hiding place!".

Kyle Webb
(Oh, and by the way... Purple!)

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