[geeks] Anyone know of a really cheap... and Imeanunemployment cheap

Michael Schiller schiller at zaphod.agrijag.com
Tue Jun 4 23:00:00 CDT 2002

Well, Citizens Communications (my local {and only} telco) just states
that they do not offer ISDN in WV. No choice of paying large install
charge, nothing, it's just not here. The DO offer DSL in some places
(but not here of course) and will let me know just as soon as it's
available here :) This is the same company that was willing to give me
any number of IPs I wanted for a setup fee of $100 per IP, with a
monthly charge of $20 per IP. I went with an OH based isp called First
Net (www.1st.net) that as a private individual I have a subnet of 16
IPs, and a dedicated dual analog dialup for $75/mo. This is not a normal
billing option for them, they have me listed as a 'normal' dialup user,
then I pay extra for the block of IPs, and extra to be able to connect
with 2 lines at once. Basically they're a really great company to deal
with. Now as long as they don't get eaten up by earthlink (what happened
to one of my isps in TN) I'll be ok.


Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 01:56:15PM -0400, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> > I was under the impression that the telcos were required by federal
> > law to offer ISDN everywhere.
> Oh, they'll say you can get it - but then make YOU pay for them to install
> the repeaters required to get it to your location.
> Bill
> --
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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