[geeks] quiet

Tim H. lists at pellucidar.net
Thu Jun 6 10:27:27 CDT 2002

hmm, I started programming on a z80 controller box my dad built for his job when I was 7.

It had a calculator keypad, He wrote the bootstrap code to handle all input in octal, 2 sets of 7-segment LEDs for display (address and contesnt) in octal of course, and a whole bunch of breadboard on top to build circuits on.  No non-volatile storage at all, I got pretty good with octal z80 opcodes.  I guess I don't identify as well as some.
However, even with that background, you've gotta have other interests.  I really enjoy burning holes in things with my welder, I'm a decent electrician, a fair-to-middlin' plumber, I'm the only mechanic I hire, and I have an acre+ of yard to mow.  That doesn't include the important stuff in my life, one of which is 2.5 yrs old, one 3 months, and one doesn't like to talk about age, and they take a good chunk of time also.  Variety prevents boredom and burnout.


On Wed, 5 Jun 2002 21:16:02 -0700
"Peter L. Wargo" <pwargo at basenji.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, June 5, 2002, at 06:49 , Amy wrote:
> > 1. I'm getting tired of computers. I wasn't raised with them like most 
> > of
> > you guys were..they weren't allowed. My mom considered computers and
> I understand you better than you think.  I missed out on 'em while 
> growing up (for the most part) as well, and there I times when I long 
> for the simple life.  Working around 'em is tough - they give you no 
> emotional feedback, and they just take, take, take.
> Time to go pet the dogs.
> -Pete
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