Height/Weight: Re: [geeks] quiet

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Thu Jun 6 12:32:57 CDT 2002

Or deny them coverage for no good reason.

The entire body-size preoccupation of the world in the 20th century is 
retarded anyhow.

and many doctors are just doing things to get kick-backs or making 
decisions based on either their personal opinions or only 10% of the 
information because they're too lazy or greedy on the whole to do enough 
research to find the truth.

My girlfriend's doctor was putting her on meds for a viral infection 
(cold/pneumonia kind) that weren't necessary but the logos of the 
company that made em were plastered on the doc's handbag and nearly 
everything else in the office.

Doctor also assumed that since she was overweight (and the doctor 
herself is a big woman) that my girlfriend automatically needed a sleep 
study... so she asked if she woke up tired sometimes... the answer was 
yes, but the fully qualified answer would be yes because I stay up till 
3 am and play Diablo II or Baldur's Gate sometimes... And of course she 
has been incessant (doc) ever since about little nitty annoying things.

I kind of hate doctors and I don't really trust them either... and of 
course the medical mistakes that happen don't instill me with a whole 
bunch of confidence either.


On Thursday, June 6, 2002, at 03:06 AM, Geoff Reed wrote:

> At 09:14 PM 6/5/02 -0700, you wrote:
>> The height/weight crap is just that.  I was tols by a doctor that I 
>> should weigh 160lbs.  I'd be dead.  In college, when I was shorter and 
>> less bulky and in ROTC I weighed 175.
>> Granted, I'm at around 240 and that's a bit much, but 220 would be 
>> fine...
> the height and weight crap was started by insurance companies so they 
> could charge people more depoending on their weight....
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