[geeks] digital cams (was Re: Height/Weight: )

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Fri Jun 7 09:04:58 CDT 2002

On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 06:31:40PM -0400, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> > Nope.  I had one of the "JamCam 3.0"s or whatever.  Total shit.
> > 
> > Got a years-old Epson PhotoPC with internal RAM card to hold 100
> > pics, and its much better, although serial only. 8-(
> > 
> I'd really like a Fuji Finepix 4900, but can't afford one right now :(
> Anything with a flash would be an impovement I think - mine has a max
> res of 640x480, no flash, and takes nearly 3 seconds to reset between
> snapshots.  It also has horrible verticle artifacts if you catch a
> specular or something on a shiny surface - or photograph a direct light
> source.  Trash...

My not particularly cheap at the time Kodak DC215 takes more than 3
seconds to be ready for the next shot.  And sometimes it takes
forever from the time you press the button until it actually takes
the picture.

And the camera acts like it a pretty low ISO.  Like maybe 200ASA or
less, from my high untrained observations.

Attaching a filter should take care of the artifacts, but doing so
would probably mean hacking it up to make it fit.

Joshua D. Boyd

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